Charlottesville Area Development Roundtable (CADRe) March 15, 2021 - Future Land Use Framework
Consultants for the City of Charlottesville's multi-year planning process, Cville Plans Together, met with CADRe to discuss land use recommendations for density, employment centers, transit, affordable housing, public spaces and more.
The presentation included a thorough overview of historical and current land use, a review of previous and current planning efforts, and an in-depth look at the draft Land Use Framework that will inform the Future Land Use Map.
According to the presentation:
"The Future Land Use Map is a key component of the Land Use, Urban Design, and Historic Preservation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map is:
- A tool to describe the Plan’s long-term (20-30 year) vision for location and character of
development in the city - A guide (not requirement) for development – it can be used when evaluating development
proposals, but it is not legally mandatory
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map is not:
- An update to the Zoning Ordinance (that process will follow the adoption of the
Comprehensive Plan) − Zoning presents requirements that are mandatory, unless waived"
The Cville Plans Together YouTube Channel has other recorded meetings available as well.
Email the consultant team with input at: engage@cvilleplanstogether.com.
(The consultant team is led by Rhodeside Harwell (RHI). Other team members include Brick & Story (leading community engagement), HR&A Advisors (leading the Affordable Housing Plan), and Code Studio (leading the re-write of the zoning ordinance – the final step in this process).)
Ashley Davies represents CADRe on the Cville Plans Together steering committee. You can also reach out to her with questions or comments via email.